Dec 10th | 7:00AM - 9:00AM | PACE Center
We are so excited to be invited by Parker Arts to be a part of their “GIVE LOCAL” day on December 10th, which is part of Colorado Gives Day. This event is designed to allow the community to stop by and visit face to face with some of the local non-profits that partner with Parker Arts over the course of the year. It is from 7-9 am and the will include free breakfast burritos, yogurt bars as well as coffee! If you can't make, donations are always welcome. Learn more and register here!
Yes we did! Thank you ASPCApro for sharing our Annie Project story. Crazy what we can do in just two years!
We couldn't have transitioned over 61 dude and guest ranch horses to adoptive homes without the amazing collaboration between our wonderful Dude and Guest ranch partners and adopters. Let's keep it up! We are excited for this opportunity to spread the word about our rescue and The Annie Project. Thank you Voyage Denver for writing an article on our rescue.
July 2024
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